Poetry Friday: What’s Happening for National Poetry Month

National Poetry Month starts on Sunday.

What are you doing to celebrate poetry?  Here’s what’s happening throughout the kidlitosphere:

Laura Shovan at Author Amok, is featuring, “30+ Habits of  Highly Effective Poets.”

Irene Latham at Live Your Poem is hosting the  2012 Kidlit Progressive Poem.

Mary Lee at A Year of Reading will once again write a new poem every day during April.  As will I at Deowriter.

Susan Taylor Brown is featuring, “Kick the Poetry Can’ts: Fun Ways to Play with Poetry.”

Amy Ludwig VanDerwater at the Poem Farmwill be using the dictionary to select random words to write a poem each day.

Jama at Jama’s Aphabet Soup will host her third annual Poetry Potluck.  I participated last year and it was lots of fun.

There’s still time to request a Poetry Postcard from me.  Just email me at macrush53 at yahoo dot com.

There will be “Thirty Days, Thirty Poems” here at Check It Out featuring the poetry of Silver Star students.  I was working with kindergarteners  today as they wrote Fibonacci poems. Delightful.  I can’t wait to share them.

Happy reading.


6 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: What’s Happening for National Poetry Month

  1. Hi, Jone. Thanks for including my project on the list. I’m very excited about it. AND — the fifth graders I’m visiting at Swansfield ES can’t wait for their poetry postcards from your classes.

  2. Hi there, Jone, what an exciting April for all of us. Thank you for rounding this up for us. And yup, will echo what Jama just noted, can’t wait to receive my postcard too,

  3. Thanks for collecting so many of the amazing activites on tap for this month, Jone! I’m looking forward to participating in some and enjoying the rest. (Just requested a postcard, too – what a terrific project.) :0)

  4. For those of us who don’t have time to read everybody’s blog every day, this is so helpful. I guess I better request a post card too–arent’ we just so *creative*?!

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