Welcome to Non-Fiction Monday


Hi there. I have been on break especially from NFM. Today I am thrilled to be hosting. I will be back in the morning with a great book that features poetry and nonfiction.

Do you want to interest a young reader in nature and poetry? Look no further than Outside Your Window, A First Book of Nature by children’s author and biologist, Nicola Davies. The illustrations by Mark Herald complement the content with simple but colorful design.

I really like how Davies has divided the book into seasons beginning with spring. You can tell that each poem and activity has been clearly researched before crafting the poems.

Title: Outside Your Window, A First Book of Nature
Author: Nicola Davies
Illustrator: Mark Hearld
Date Published: 2012
Pages: in paged
Reading Level: K-3
Publisher: Candlewick Press
ISBN: 978-0-7636-5549-5
Source: From the publisher

Now for other fabulous nonfiction books:
Shelf-Employed: Monday Morning Miscellany

Rovingfiddlehead Kidlit: Cool Circuits

Bookends Blog: Master of Deceit: J. Edgar Hoover and America in the Age of Lies

NC Teacher Stuff: Samurai

100 Scope Notes: Bird Talk

Wrapped in Foil: Moonbird

Archimedes Notebook: Luna Moths

Mother Reader: Elizabeth and Her Court

Jean Little Library: Trout are made of Trees

Becky’s Books Review: A Passion for Victory

Simply Science: Build It

True Tales and a Cherry on Top: All the Way to America

Perogies and Gyoza: My First Atlas in the World

Ms Yingling Reads: Can You Survive: Special Forces and Bodyguard!

Great Kid Books: Great Moments in Summer Olympics

Books for Learning: How the Government Works

Booktalking: Labrador Retriever: Most Popular

Please leave your links in the comments and I will add throughout the day.

Happy Reading.

19 thoughts on “Welcome to Non-Fiction Monday

  1. Pingback: Nonfiction Monday: Henry’s Freedom Box by Ellen Levine and Kadir Nelson «

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