Poetry Friday: Marilyn Singer and the CYBILS

In honor of the CYBILS’ nominations opening on tomorrow, October 1, a poem from Mirror, Mirror by Marilyn Singer.  This was the  CYBILS Poetry Winner for 2010.

In Reverse

it’s true–
the only view?
If you believe that,
this poem
will challenge
something new.

The rest of the poem can be found HERE.

I am so excited to finally share my great panelists for rounds one and two.

Round One
Amy Ludwig VanDerwater 
Susan Taylor Brown
Elaine Magliaro
Bruce Black
Tricia Stohr-Hunt
Jone Rush MacCulloch
Carol Wilcox
Round Two
Diane Mayr  
The Write Sisters
Mary Lee Hahn
 A Year of Reading
Julie Larios
The Drift Record
Andi Sibley
Laura Purdie Salas
So set your clocks for midnight tonight as the CYBILS will open 12:00AM, October 1.
Poetry Friday Round Up is hosted by Read Write Believe.
Happy Reading.

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