Poetry Friday: A Final Poetry Swap Poem


Thank you, Laura, for hosting Poetry Friday at Author Amok.

Last week, I found this poem in the mail.  From Margaret Simon.

On the outside this lovely photo.

Drops of dew Photo credit is "Drops of Dew" @Sergey Khakimullen Dreamstine Stock Photos.



On the inside this even lovelier poem:

Ode to Grass

For today, I will step lightly
for you tenderness 
for the light of the sun upon your greenliness
for tickling my belly
for wriggling between my toes
for your fresh sweet scent
for the settled earth you can draw strength from
for your canvas of wildflowers
for clover crowns
for hiding rollie-pollies, fleas, and snakes
for grass. 

©Margaret Simon, 2014

I love that for all the fabulous things she’s telling the reader that grass does for her, a twist that it hides rollie-pollies, fleas, and snakes…so unexpected.



Happy Friday.

Happy Poetry.

11 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: A Final Poetry Swap Poem

  1. I agree with Laura that the poem seems refreshingly summery, even thought Margaret doesn’t identify the season. And I agree with everyone else that “clover crowns,” “greenliness,” and “canvas of wildflowers” are delightful descriptors! Thanks, Margaret and Jone!

  2. Jone, thank you for showcasing Margaret’s lovely poem that speaks highly of summer grass. Such a nice feel to have your toes amongst the green blades of summer but on Long Island once you stepped onto the grass the little bugs come out to bite. Still working on the last submissions for the Summer Serenity Gallery.

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