Poetry Friday: Let’s Go Crazy! Pet Crazy!


IMG_1077Welcome, welcome to Poetry Friday.  I am super happy you stopped by to share what’s happening in your poetic world.

15940637_10211758859710335_5266318001333728088_nDid you know?  Tomorrow, August 26 is National Dog Day.

This is a fabulous time to share a brand  new poetry resource, A POETRY FRIDAY POWER BOOK PET CRAZY By Sylvia Vardel and Janet Wong. Today’s its book birthday.

Pet Crazy FRONT cover 300dpi

It’s another Poetry Friday Power Book geared to our youngest writers and poetry readers.  Sylvia and Janet combed through 700+ poems from the Poetry Friday Anthologies to find twelve stellar poems around the theme of pets and a storyline about our fur friends.

Correction: from Janet: The Poetry Friday Anthology series contains 30+ poems about pets, but only 5 of the anchor poems in PET CRAZY were culled from The PFA series (poems by Kristy Dempsey, Eric Ode, Eileen Spinelli, April Halprin Wayland, and Carole Boston Weatherford). Seven of the PET CRAZY poems are making their world debuts: poems by Helen Frost, Janice Harrington, Laura Shovan, Elizabeth Steinglass, Don Tate, Padma Venkatraman, and Tamera Will Wissinger.

Janet Wong layered in twenty-four mentor and response poems as the thread that holds the theme together.  Power word plays and pre-writing activities are included. Finally, a springboard of poetry prompts for students to explore a variety of forms; question poems, repetition poems, poems with stanzas, and poems with similes. are just a few.

Janet Wong graciously sent some images from the book to share with you.  The featured form is the Acrostic:

Pet Crazy PowerPack 7 Anchor and Response 300dpi

Pet Crazy PowerPack 7 Mentor and Power2You 300dpi

My attempt (in honor of National Dog Day):

Buster the Snurfer

Big personality in a small body
Understands when I need comfort
Snurfs the floor for tasty crumbs
The best companion for naps
Everyone loves him
Runs under the bed when I cook

©jone rush macculloch

I am looking forward to trying the book out with students once school starts.

How about you?  Do you have an acrostic poem to share?

Janet Wong and Sylvia Vardell have generously donated two copies as giveaways. Respond in the comments for an opportunity to receive one.

Don’t forget to sign up for the CYBILS.



72 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: Let’s Go Crazy! Pet Crazy!

  1. I do not have an acrostic on my blog this week – but I sure did love reading these. ‘Snurfs’ is fabulous! And I had a giggle at your finish. I love the interaction in ‘Book Hound’. Everybody needs one!

    Thanks for hosting us today, Jone. I have thousands of words on my blog today – because a picture tells… And I have lots of pics. And a few words, too.

  2. With two ailing geriatric cats in my household, I so enjoyed the light hearted pet fun of these acrostics (and that fabulous word “snurfs!”). I’m sure after reading them, young poets will be eager to try to create their own.Thanks so much for hosting this week and for sharing Pet Crazy.

  3. Buster sounds like a wonderful companion, as does the book by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong, thanks for the thorough review. Here’s a quick acrostic …

    Water Dragons belong to the
    Agamidae family.
    Their long, thin, tails balance them, and sometimes whack around defensively.
    Eating, yum–they love earthworms and crickets.
    Rainforests are their habitat of preference.

    Dragons require high humidity habitats, near fresh water and
    Rivers that wind throughout China, Thailand, Vietnam, and India.
    A water dragon has a pineal
    Gland, or “third eye” that keeps its temperature
    On spot–and regulated,
    Not too hot or cold, and that’s cool!

    © 2017 Michelle Kogan

  4. Thanks for hosting, Jone! I had heard of “Read to Rover” programs, but reading rabbits are new to me. Sounds like a great idea (and Buster sounds like a great dog)! Charming poems.

  5. A floor snurfer… that’s what I need! 🙂 Summer’s over, and it’s great to be back to Poetry Friday! As I jump back in, Jone, thanks to you and Buster for the warm and fuzzy landing. I’m quite sure PET CRAZY is going to be another Pomelo Books hit!

  6. I DO have an acrostic today! It’s not a pet one, but it’s a Golden Shovel derived from a philosophic quote. A strange combo, I know!
    Thanks for starting us off with a warm and fuzzy poem today!

  7. I am such a big fan of Sylvia and Janet’s collections. I think I’ll write an acrostic tomorrow for National Dog Day. Thanks for hosting and for the inspiration.

  8. Thanks for hosting Jone and thanks for sharing my poem. Buster sounds very cute. I love snurfing. So funny that he hides when you cook. Wouldn’t most dogs come out and hope to find a spill? Happy Poetry Friday!

  9. Jone, how delightful to showcase Sylvia and Janet’s new book that I will be sure to share with Long Island administrators at my September regional meeting. I enjoyed reading the excerpts and will check out National Dog Day on Twitter. I can see a child enjoying your poem as well, especially the last line. Thank you for hosting today. I’m off to Cape May to meet up with my grandbaby so I will be making the PF rounds slowly this weekend.

  10. No acrostics for me, either, but the ones you shared today would be hard to follow! I hope you and Buster enjoy this last week of August!

  11. Yay for Janet and Sylvia’s latest book! Who doesn’t love pets? Well, I can think of a few people, and that’s okay. I am loving the thought of a reading rabbit. I had rabbits as a kid – they’re actually kind of fragile animals. They need a good story! Thanks Jone, and happy Poetry Friday! xo

  12. Your Buster needs to meet my Smidgey – another dog with a “Big personality in a small body”. Pet Crazy looks crazy good – the Vardell/Wong team have done it again. I love Liz’s poem, Book Hound – yip! =)

  13. I love “snurfs”! What a great word to describe what my dog does, too. Unfortunately, no acrostics for me, but after reading these, I am gaining a new appreciation for the form. I just may have to try one–and my dog will be glad to know it’s HER day tomorrow. Thanks for sharing this book. It looks fabulous!

  14. No acrostic for me today, but mines about an animal–just not a dog. 🙂 We had to rehome our pups when we moved across country this last year. But our little pug went with our close friend, so we get to see her often. I loved snurfs and the ending of your poem! Thanks for hosting.

  15. Pingback: Poetry Friday: “School” – Reading to the Core

  16. I think the consensus here, Jone, is that August 25th shall forever be known as BUSTER SNURFS DAY!!! Thank you so much for this wonderful post; I love that you immersed yourself in the PowerPack and wrote such a terrific acrostic of your own. Note: The Poetry Friday Anthology series contains 30+ poems about pets, but only 5 of the anchor poems in PET CRAZY were culled from The PFA series (poems by Kristy Dempsey, Eric Ode, Eileen Spinelli, April Halprin Wayland, and Carole Boston Weatherford). Seven of the PET CRAZY poems are making their world debuts: poems by Helen Frost, Janice Harrington, Laura Shovan, Elizabeth Steinglass, Don Tate, Padma Venkatraman, and Tamera Will Wissinger. These new poems are a large part of my personal excitement for this book!!

  17. I so love these power books from the dynamic duo of Sylvia and Janet. And one about pets gives me all the feels. My Kindergarten poets will surely love what’s inside! I have to join the “snurf” loving bandwagon! Our fave neighborhood dog, Bosco, visited last night and snurfed our porch floor. LOVE! I added my recent acrostic to my post to meet your challenge. 🙂

  18. Hi, Jone, and thanks for getting us rolling for Poetry Friday with your fun Buster poem! And double thanks for your lovely nod to our latest puppy, PET CRAZY! We so appreciate all your support!

  19. Thanks for hosting, Jone, and introducing us to what looks like another Wong and Vardell winner!

    Along with others, I love your “snurf”ing dog. Now I will add an acrostic to my swap share post to play along with BUSTER.

  20. Pingback: Poetry Friday: “Wall in the Woods” – Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme

  21. SNURFS!!! Oh, I miss our little dachshund mixes – they lived to be almost 15, and 16.
    Thanks so much for hosting and for such a cheerful way to start a Friday.
    YAY, Liz – and hats off to Janet (I replied to her above) and Sylvia for this irresistible new member of the PFA Power Books pack.

  22. This new power book will be a wonderful one to use for the young ones. I need to get it for my granddaughters. Does your Buster really hide when you cook, waits for crumbs to ‘snurf’ later? Thanks for sharing and hosting, Jone.

    Dancing and wagging when they come in the door.
    On the couch cuddling together.
    Gosh, it’s great to have a pet human.

  23. Happy BUSTER SNURFS DAY, Janet. Thanks for a great acrostic and for hosting, Jone! This poem is

    About My Bear

    Franklin’s fuzzy ears and
    Round eyes gaze
    At mine, as if
    Nothing matters but me. He
    Knows when I need a hug,
    Listens, hears and heals me,
    Inside, where it counts. He’s
    Not a pet, he’s my truest friend.

  24. The best part about the power packs is how accessible they make writing and poetry and writing poetry for kids and all. I haven’t held a writing workshop in the library yet because kids come to school on Monday for me…..but look out kids, we got some writing to do. Keeping up with Wong and Vardell is so much fun. They are so kind and welcoming to the poetry community to their process AND success that I can’t help but to feel like I’m on their team. It’s exactly what I want to be for my students.

    My dog Dinah is a sweetie….here’s more about her…

    D own under my table chasing rabbits in her sleep
    I nside our van leashed and ready for the park.
    N ear my bedside watching over me all night
    A round the yard marking off a border –good collie!
    H ard to find a better best friend anywhere, by golly

    Thanks for hosting today, Jone! Best wishes on the start of a new year.

  25. Your acrostic is terrific, Jone. I wish my dog ran under the bed when I cook! She is always underfoot in the kitchen. Pet Crazy looks like exactly the book I need to share with the young poets I work with. Can’t wait to get a copy! Thank you for sharing, and for hosting. Happy National Dog day to you and Buster!

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