Poetry Friday: A Poem for Summer


H-e-l-l-o Summer! Today I am sharing again a poem originally posted during April when I shared student work.

Flowers grow in the summer
They love the sun
They want to stay with you,
But it can’t be true.


What I love about this poem is how Karli captures the brevity of summer. It’s the perfect one for today as school got out on Tuesday.

Do you have this book? Thanks to reading a post from Amy at The Poem Farm, I am re-reading this book this summer. I will be blogging about it on Fridays, so please feel free to join in and comment.


Poetry Friday round up can be found at Carol’s Corner. Thanks, Carol.

Happy Poetry Friday.
Happy Reading.


3 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: A Poem for Summer

  1. Hi there Jone! This seems like a book that I must find right away! Sounds gorgeous! 🙂 The title alone captured me: “Awakening the heart.” 🙂

  2. I need to dig back into my copy of Awakening the Heart. And I’m thinking I need to come up with a final line for our poem. Sorry I haven’t been the promptest of partners!

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