Poetry Friday: Poetry Pairing

20140313-194956.jpgThank you, Julie at  The Drift Record for hosting Poetry Friday.

Screen Shot 2014-03-03 at 11.32.43 AMWho hasn’t heard of this fabulous new anthology?

My school is currently finishing up reading the nominees for the Washington Children’s Choice Picture Book Award.


I read the nominee,  Pluto Visits Earth by Steve Metzger, illustrations by Jared Lee last week. One of the students immediately recognized the art work as the guy who illustrates the Black Lagoon series by Mike Thaler.

Then students listened to this great poem from the Poetry Friday Anthology to pair with this book:

Uh, Oh Plutoby Jeannine Atkins

Once Pluto was proud to be called one of nine planets.But astronomers decided he was too small,
too far away from the Sun, made unpredictable orbits.
They tore pictures of poor Pluto off walls
and museum halls showed only eight planets.
Happily, Pluto found new friends, streaking balls
of rocks, dust, and ice called comets.
Orbiting whimsically together, Pluto is greatest of all.

Don’t forget to sign up of a Poetry Postcard.

Happy Friday.
Happy Poetry.

6 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: Poetry Pairing

  1. I’m not familiar with the book, I’ll look for! I like the poetry pairing. How easy it is to introduce a little poetry into a subject if you pair it!

  2. You’ve reminded me of a good idea, Jone. Perhaps I’ll introduce this idea to the teachers, Jone, for April at least. I have some resistance from some who don’t share much poetry with their students, sad to say. Knowing lots of poems helps too, but I have all three of the PF anthologies, so that should help too. Thanks!

  3. Jone, thank you for featuring my poem, which was inspired by a conversation with a librarian in the children’s department, whom i’ve had many great chats with since my daughter was born 24 years ago. I also like poetry pairings, and bringing in pictures to students of all ages. Just looking at things can teach so much, and inspire poetry!

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