Poetry Friday: A Gift of Birds


Thank you, Tabatha for hosting Poetry Friday at Tabatha Yeatts: The Opposite of Indifference.

And thanks to Tabatha, who is the best at organizing poem swaps in the summer and late November-December.

Last week we had our first snow day of the year.  And in the mail that day, one of my very favorite birds arrived from Brenda of Friendly Fairy Tales.  It’s the cardinal which doesn’t reside in the Pacific Northwest and which I have seen twice in my life.


I especially love the “feasting on seed, daring the ground, darting up in need.”  That reminds me of the Oregon Juncos that hop around the deck looking for crumbs of the suet block.

And Brenda’s generosity didn’t stop there, I also received other goodies among which was this lovely embroidered ornament from Buffalo Stitch and a journal from them…I have been drooling over at their website. Well, it’s going to move to my writing room after the tree comes down.  Thank you so much, Brenda!


This is the last call to sign up for the New Year Poetry Postcard Exchange.  I will be organizing recipient lists by Wednesday, December 21 and emailing the address to people.

Happy Friday.

Happy Poetry,

16 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: A Gift of Birds

  1. I grew up in Missouri where cardinals were the highlight of winter’s snow, Jone, and Brenda. Now I miss them, too, Jone, not in Colorado either! The poem and art are lovely, and the gifts sound just right. Beautiful swap!

  2. Thanks for sharing Brenda’s beautiful poem and artwork. We have visiting cardinals and they do “make everything right!” I’m looking forward to the poem postcard adventures!

  3. Thanks, Jone, for sharing Brenda’s lovely cardinal poem and art. I so miss cardinals when it snows here in the NW. They are part of childhood memories.

  4. What a lovely gift from Brenda—the title alone is enough to put a smile on my face! And speaking of lovely gifts… I received one that was equally thoughtful and happymaking today in my own PO Box! Thank you, Jone—you’re the sweetest. 🙂 xo

  5. It’s just wonderful seeing all of the exchanges among poetry friends. I am ordering the poembird that you received in Brenda’s package. How special Brenda’s offering is…

  6. Lovely gifts from Brenda! My favorite lines are the same as yours, Jone. I have birds right outside my front door, and they need to be spry when our pup comes out (although it’s the squirrels that really interest her).

    • Sign-ups are great. About 20ish people. Two didn’t leave emails so I need to figure out how to get addresses to them.

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