48 Hour Reading Challenge

This weekend I am participating in the the 6th Annual 48 Hour Reading Challenge.  I amreading this weekend in honor of Bridget Zinn.  She loved, loved, loved reading. 

I will donate money for the hours  I have read to  Friends of the Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC), a place in which Bridget worked and was part of their board. 

If you would like to donate to my  weekend read-a-thon, that would be super duper.  All money will go to the CCBC.
Now I gotta get reading! I’ll be checking in periodically.  You can follow on Twitter me @JoneMac53.
Happy reading.
Ms Mac

Poetry Friday: Inventory

The worse part about June is the library books need to come in two weeks before school ends to do inventory. My assistant  and I feel like grinches and grumblebunnies as we plead and cajole students to find and return books. This year I am trying something new.   For every student who gets their book in on time, their name will go into a drawing for a chance to win some books. 

Today’s poem  is in honor of those who cannot part with their books.


 June arrives
and library books
must return.

I can’t find
mine. Not finished reading yet.

Book lovers resist.

 Poetry Friday is HERE

This is the 48 Hour Reading Challenge Weekend and that’s what I am doing.  What ar you up to this weekend?

Happy Reading.
